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Dairy-Free Gluten Free Grain Free Paleo

Sunday Morning Crepes

July 17, 2016

Sunday morning crepesWent for a hike this morning and it was glorious outside!!  Wanted to take our youngest daughter out to breakfast and she said she would rather come home and save the money.  (how did I get so lucky??)

However, knowing how her mama cooks…these crepes are probably the reason why. Once you start cooking better foods, you will notice when eating out things do not have the same flavor they use to.  Your palate will change and that is good because the less toxic you are the more sensitive to flavors (real flavors, not just sugar & salt…the main seasoning used in most foods) you will become! read more

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Sunday Morning Crepes
Grain free, gluten free, dairy free Crepes
Course Breakfast
Prep Time 15 minutes
Course Breakfast
Prep Time 15 minutes
  1. melt butter
  2. mix all ingredients (except butter and vinegar) together in blender and blend together
  3. add in melted butter and vinegar
  4. lightly stir to incorporate
  5. cook on griddle or pan on med to high heat
  6. serve, top with raspberries and coconut whipping cream and enjoy!
Recipe Notes

Recipe for coconut whipping cream is here:

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Healing Self-Love Weight Loss Journey

Bone Broth…My New BFF

July 15, 2016

I am 3 days in so far and I have already felt the positive affects of adapting my diet.  Not only am I down 3 lbs (I was up to 166 from all of the inflammation and slowing of my digestive tract, and I was originally down to 161), my headaches are delineating, digestion is improving(I am pooping like crazy, which for me is awesome), bloating is going down and overall I am not as fatigued. read more

Dairy-Free Paleo Super Foods

Coconut Whipping Cream

July 15, 2016

coconut whipping cream

This easy-to-make, must-have-staple will be used frequently when you commit yourself to a dairy-free lifestyle.  I seriously, do not miss real whipping cream any longer.  The benefits of Coconut Milk are numerous, the MCFA’s (medium chain fatty acids) are wonderous and do not increase inflammation in the body like dairy does!  I have a couple tricks up my sleeve that have made this process a little easier than when I started.  So, please whip it up and enjoy!! read more

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Coconut Whipping Cream
Creamy Delicious Coconut Whipping Cream to be used with anything... Pancakes? Waffles? Coffee? Tea? Fruit? Eat it straight out of the bowl? YEEEEEEESSSSS!!!!
Course Treats
Prep Time 24-48 Hours
Cook Time 3 minutes
Who knows??? If you are crazy for this stuff, it may be a one man show, unless you are feeling generous...:)
Course Treats
Prep Time 24-48 Hours
Cook Time 3 minutes
Who knows??? If you are crazy for this stuff, it may be a one man show, unless you are feeling generous...:)
  1. Empty contents of Coconut Cream into your 'frozen' bowl
  2. Add in Vanilla and Maple Syrup
  3. Whip, Whip it good! For at least minutes until you have stiff frothy peaks!
  4. Serve and enjoy...or just pick up a spoon and go for it!!
Recipe Notes

The key to success in this recipe is all in the preparation.

I have tried almost all coconut milks out there and have found Trader Joe's Coconut Cream to be the best option with the best turn out and least waste.

Also, the longer you refrigderate...the better.  Many sites will say 24 hours, but really I find again that anything after 48 is best.  Also, if you are in a pinch and forgot to do this ahead of time, you can always throw in the freezer for 20-25 minutes.  Just want to make sure contents have thoroughly cooled (not froze) before whipping.

Lastly, this trick has been handed down to me by my mama.  Before you whip your cream, freeze a metal bowl for about 20-30 minutes.  This will ensure that your cream stays cool while you whip the crap out of it!

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Weight Loss Journey

Eating Out

June 6, 2016

Eating Out.

It will happen.

You can’t avoid it forever.

Someone will ask you to go out to eat with them.  Friends wanting to get together.  Family wanting a fun night.  Something to celebrate.  Maybe you are just too lazy to cook.  In any case, read more

Weight Loss Journey

After,Before and After?

May 31, 2016

[spacer height="260px"]

Me in the green

[spacer height="260px"]

Me, today

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What's to come?!


So, before we begin. let me explain....

We have seen everyone's Before and After pics and had that surge of emotion that comes with seeing the dramatic transformation in someone else and think to ourselves, "I CAN DO THIS!!".  The motivation, however, tends to be more fleeting; especially when you are faced with your food nemesis and good old motivation takes a vacation and you are back to where you started.....




And maybe you did decide to bite the bullet and go for it with great success and achieve the pinnacle of health that you set out for yourself.  Congratulations!!  You worked hard, said no to food nemesis and got through the tough stuff.  Only to find yourself, so many months or years later back to where you started...or are actually worse off than where you started.  This is the cycle so many of us know all too well.


This is where my story begins.  I am worse off than ever before.

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