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June 2016 – Eatthewholeegg
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June 2016

Weight Loss Journey

Down 2 Pounds!

June 7, 2016

It has been almost one week since I have gotten serious about losing weight and making some lifestyle changes. It has been my goal to lose 1-2 lbs per week safely and with choices that I can live with. So far so good!

I am happy to report that I am down from 164.4 to 162.2!! That said, I would also like to say there have been times when I was willing to throw in the towel, too! The initial weeks of change are crucial and easy to give up because we have been in the habit, or the bad habit as it were, for soooo long. read more

Weight Loss Journey

Eating Out

June 6, 2016

Eating Out.

It will happen.

You can’t avoid it forever.

Someone will ask you to go out to eat with them.  Friends wanting to get together.  Family wanting a fun night.  Something to celebrate.  Maybe you are just too lazy to cook.  In any case, read more


Paleo Muffin

June 6, 2016

These muffins are a staple in my family’s daily diet. They are crazy nutritious and delicious! Easy to bring anywhere, they are sure to be that perfect inbetween-meal…meal. Full of fat and fiber they are super filling. Easy to freeze, if you can before you or your loved ones devour them!!!
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Paleo Muffin
Delicious, easy to make and then freeze after for a perfectly balanced paleo snack anywhere!
Cuisine Paleo
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 35-45 minutes
Passive Time 5 minutes
Wet ingredients
Dry ingredients
Cuisine Paleo
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 35-45 minutes
Passive Time 5 minutes
Wet ingredients
Dry ingredients
Wet Ingredients
  1. Melt butter and add in maple syrup
  2. Mix eggs and milk together, then add in butter/syrup mixture
  3. Set aside
Dry Ingredients, Extras & Final Prep
  1. SIFT together coconut flour, cinnamon, baking soda, and salt
  2. Mix wet and dry together
  3. Stir in Chia seeds and flax seeds into muffin dough
  4. Let sit for 5 minutes
  5. Fold in blueberries
  6. Stipple batter 3/4 full into greased muffin pans (basically your batter won't be smooth in the cup, it will look rough and rugged)
  7. Bake at 375° for 35-45 minutes. You know they are done with tops start to brown and when touched will 'bounce' back.
  1. Instead of blueberries, you can adapt these muffins in many ways! Really, let your imagination run wild. Here are a few that I have tested and the family loves!
  2. Carrot and Raisin 1Cup Shredded Carrots & 3/4 Cup Sulfite free raisins
  3. Cranberry Orange 1 Cup unsweetened frozen cranberries (thawed and minced) & zest of 2 oranges
  4. Banana and Cacao Chip (chocolate) 2 Bananas mashed & 1/2 cup Cacao Chips
Recipe Notes

Baking Paleo is very different than traditional baking. Due to the fact that the flours are much heavier and you are using a lot of eggs, they 'dehydrate' as much as they bake. Depending on the wetness of your final batter, (mine is usually much drier than traditional batter), will affect how long to fully bake them. After a couple trials, you will figure out which consistency works best with your oven and your brand of coconut flour. (yes, that makes a difference)

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Weight Loss Journey

Water, Agua, Wasser, Voda, Acqua, Eau…..

June 4, 2016


We all get that it is important to our health, when you consider that at least 60% of you is made up of purely water and you can not live more than 3 days without it…Yea…it is important. read more

Weight Loss Journey

I Survived the Movie Theater!

June 2, 2016

The theater.

Great fun for the family.  Have the chance for an afternoon or evening to transport yourself to another time or place.

Then, there is the smell of popcorn.


Now, that I have resolved to dropping some serious weight in the next two months, I find these challenges a little more, well….challenging. read more

Weight Loss Journey

Get It Out!!

June 1, 2016

I spent the better half of yesterday evening trying to make time go quicker. You see, I don’t do so well after about 6pm. The day is winding down and all of my caffeine is wearing off and this usually marks the end of all the good things I have done throughout the day.. Idle time for me can be destructive.

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So, when I started hitting the skids…I felt the need to announce it aloud to my husband and continue to do so EVERY TEN MINUTES. He had to be so annoyed with me, but being the patient man he is and a little sick (he found my struggle amusing), he listened to every battle I encountered.

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“Honey, I want chips” “Honey, I would eat a tub of ice cream” Bla, bla, bla….on it went. read more